PIP: Clinical Module for the Care of Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
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Credit Offered
No Credit Offered

American Psychiatric Association Performance in Practice (PIP) Clinical Module for the Care of Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Completion of stages A,B, and C in sequence is designated by the American Psychiatric Association for up to 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™.

Educational Objectives

By completing the Clinical Module for the Care of Patients with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, physicians will be able to...

  • Assess whether their current assessment and treatment is consistent with evidence-based recommendations;
  • Identify areas of improvement and develop an improvement plan; and
  • Improve the care of patients with a diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder in clinical practice.

Target Audience

Psychiatrists participating in MOC and other psychiatrists in clinical practice; psychiatric residents and fellows; physicians who wish to improve their knowledge of clinical psychiatry and patient care; physician assistants participating in MOC.

Estimated Time to Complete

Begin Date: August 31,2013
Program Review Date: August 1, 2021 
Expiration Date: August 31, 2023

How to Earn Credit

The APA's PIP modules are guided practice improvement programs created for psychiatrists, and are designed to meet Part 4 MOC requirements for clinical modules. Modules follow a three-stage Performance Improvement CME structure that takes place within a 24-month period. ABPN Maintenance of Certification requirements: http://www.abpn.com/moc.html

In STAGE A - Chart Review, the physician compares his or her current practice (through a review of chart documentation) to guidelines and measures provided for the topic area. No patient/chart data is submitted. (5 credits)

In STAGE B – Improvement, based upon the results of chart review, the physician then selects an area where improvement is needed and documents his or her strategy for improvement. This improvement plan is for the personal use of the physician, and is not submitted to the APA. Educational resources are suggested that can assist with the improvement plan, however, any educational activities relevant to the improvement plan can be used. During Stage B, the physician implements the educational plan for a period of 30 days or as long as the doctor deems necessary within 24 months. (5 credits)

In STAGE C – Second Chart Review, the physician reassesses his or her performance with review of 5 patient charts, and determines the results of his or her performance improvement effort. These can be the same 5 patients or a new group of patients seen since beginning the PIP activities. Again, the physician retains all patient/chart data(5 credits). The complete module, three stages in sequence within 24 months, earns the participant another 5 credits for a total of 20 CME credits.

Continuing Education Credit and MOC Approval

The American Psychiatric Association is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians. 

The American Psychiatric Association designates this enduring material for a maximum of 20 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Physicians should only claim credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

The American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology has reviewed the PIP: Clinical Module for Screening Adult Psychiatric Patients for Substance Use Disorders and has approved this program as a Performance in Practice Clinical Module (MOC Part 4) which is mandated by the ABMS as a necessary component of Maintenance of Certification. The complete module, three stages in sequence within 24 months, must be completed to receive Part 4 MOC credit from ABPN.

APA reports MOC completion data on behalf of our members directly to ABPN, however, diplomates are still required to log on to their ABPN Physician Folios at least once per calendar year to attest to completion of their MOC activities.

Faculty and Planner Disclosures

Program Planners

  • Deborah J. Hales M.D., Former Director, American Psychiatric Association Division of Education, Arlington VA. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.
  • Mark Hyman Rapaport, M.D., Chairman, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Emory University School of Medicine, and Chief of Psychiatric Services, Emory Healthcare System, Atlanta GA. Consultant: PAX Neuroscience
  • Kristen Moeller, Director of Continuing Medical Education, American Psychiatric Association Division of Education, Arlington VA. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.


  • Laura J. Fochtmann, M.D.,Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Stony Brook University,Stony Brook NY. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.
  • Farifteh F. Duffy, Ph.D., American Psychiatric Foundation, American Psychiatric Institute for Researchand Education, Arlington VA. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.
  • Joyce C. West., Ph.D, M.P.P, American Psychiatric Foundation, American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education, Arlington VA. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.
  • Thomas Craig, M.D., Springfield, VA. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.
  • Eve K. Moscicki, Sc.D., M.P.H., American Psychiatric Foundation, American Psychiatric Institute for Research and Education, Arlington VA. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.

Program Reviewers

  • Jennifer Medicus, Practice Guidelines Deputy Director, Department of Practice Management and Delivery Systems Policy, American Psychiatric Association. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.
  • Laura J. Fochtmann, M.D., Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY. Reports no financial relationships with commercial interests.

Technical Requirements

This internet-based CME activity is best experienced using any of the following:

  • The latest and 2nd latest public versions of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari
  • Internet Explorer 11+

This Web site requires that JavaScript and session cookies be enabled. Certain activities may require additional software to view multimedia, presentation, or printable versions of the content. These activities will be marked as such and will provide links to the required software. That software may be: Adobe Flash, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Windows Media Player.

Optimal System Configuration:

  • Browser: Google Chrome (latest and 2nd latest version), Safari (latest and 2nd latest version), Internet Explorer 11.0+, Firefox (latest and 2nd latest version), or Microsoft Edge (latest and 2nd latest version)
  • Operating System: Windows versions 8.1+, Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) +, Android (latest and 2nd latest version), or iOS/iPad OS (latest and 2nd latest version)
  • Internet Connection: 1 Mbps or higher

Minimum Requirements:

  • Windows PC: Windows 8.1 or higher; 1 GB (for 32-bit)/2 GB (for 64-bit) or higher RAM; Microsoft DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM driver; audio playback with speakers for programs with video content
  • Macintosh: Mac OS X 10.5 or higher with latest updates installed; Intel, PowerPC G5, or PowerPC G4 (867MHz or faster) processor; 512 MB or higher RAM; audio playback with speakers for programs with video content

For assistance: Contact educme@psych.org for questions about this activity | Contact learningcenter@psych.org for technical assistance
