Supporting Tribal Youth at Risk for Suicide: Honor ...
Handouts: Slides
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The document is a summary of a webinar titled "Supporting Tribal Youth at Risk for Suicide: Honoring Children, Mending the Circle" by Dolores Subia BigFoot, PhD. The webinar focuses on the cultural adaptation of evidence-based treatments for American Indian and Alaska Native children who experience trauma. It discusses the importance of incorporating indigenous knowledge and practices into therapy to better serve tribal youth at risk for suicide. The webinar highlights the trauma-focused cognitive behavior therapy and its cultural enhancements for this population. It further emphasizes the need to collaborate with families and cultural liaisons to integrate cultural practices with evidence-based models effectively. The webinar also acknowledges the importance of storytelling and creation stories in indigenous communities and their role in teaching values, history, and decision-making. The document provides information on how to claim continuing medical education (CME) credit for attending the webinar and lists additional resources and references for further reading.
Supporting Tribal Youth at Risk for Suicide
Cultural Adaptation
Evidence-based Treatments
Indigenous Knowledge
Tribal Youth
Cognitive Behavior Therapy
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