Applying the Integrated Care Approach: Advanced
Module 7 - View Transcript
Module 7 - View Transcript
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Module 7 of the training program on the Integrated Care Approach focuses on putting collaborative care principles into action. The module reviews the highlights of the previous modules and emphasizes the importance of applying what has been learned to current practice. The module includes the development of a collaborative care practice plan and provides examples of psychiatrists representing different types of practice.<br /><br />The module starts by revisiting the broad definition of health as complete physical, mental, and social wellbeing and encourages practitioners to work towards this goal. It presents the Collaborative Care Model, which is consistently more effective than usual care in providing depression treatment in primary care settings. The five core principles of collaborative care are discussed, which include population-based care, measurement-based treatment to target, using a team, patient-centered collaboration, and being accountable to measurable outcomes and processes.<br /><br />The module provides guidance on how to clinically work with a team of providers, including new ways of working such as caseload consultation. It also focuses on the clinical workflow and discusses the different stages of care from identifying and engaging patients to completing treatment.<br /><br />The module emphasizes that implementing collaborative care requires practice change, which can be difficult. Strategies for supporting a team in making these changes are discussed.<br /><br />The module includes exercises for psychiatrists to evaluate their current practice and identify areas for practice change based on the collaborative care principles. Two example psychiatrists, one moving towards collaborative care and one in a typical outpatient mental health practice, are used to illustrate potential practice change goals.<br /><br />Overall, the module aims to help psychiatrists put the collaborative care principles into practice and provides valuable guidance and tools for implementing these principles in their own practice.
Integrated Care Approach
collaborative care
practice plan
Collaborative Care Model
core principles
team collaboration
clinical workflow
practice change
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