Applying the Integrated Care Approach: Advanced
Module 5 - View Transcript (Lecture)
Module 5 - View Transcript (Lecture)
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Module 5 of the Advanced Integrated Care Approach course focuses on nurturing the collaborative care team as a psychiatric consultant. The module highlights key responsibilities such as supporting the team, integrating education into consultation practices, and providing leadership. The module emphasizes the importance of teams functioning well together and offers strategies for fostering effective team dynamics. <br />The module also discusses the role of the psychiatric consultant in education, including identifying common topics for team education and integrating education into consultations with other providers. It encourages reflecting on practice and considering opportunities to improve skills and knowledge of team members. <br />In addition, the module explores the role of leadership in supporting the collaborative care team. It discusses both administrative and clinical leadership, emphasizing the importance of boundary-spanning leadership and shared leadership to effectively support the team. It suggests strategies for addressing challenges and opportunities for leadership in collaborative care. <br />Overall, the module provides insights and guidance for psychiatric consultants in effectively supporting and leading the collaborative care team.
Advanced Integrated Care Approach
collaborative care team
psychiatric consultant
team support
education integration
team dynamics
team education
reflective practice
boundary-spanning leadership
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