Advocacy Training: Promoting Mental Health to Poli ...
view handout: presentation slides_19009-2
view handout: presentation slides_19009-2
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The document discusses the importance of advocacy training in promoting mental health to policymakers. It defines advocacy as an activity that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions, using tools such as media campaigns, lobbying, and research. The document highlights the need for advocacy because legislation and policymaking have a direct impact on patient care and the practice of medicine. It emphasizes that legislators expect to hear from constituents, and healthcare professionals are the experts that lawmakers want to hear from. <br /><br />The document explains the process of lobbying and states that effective lobbying involves setting clear goals, communicating with legislators, listening to reactions, and being adaptable. It also identifies different individuals who can act as lobbyists, including district branches, APA staff, registered lobbyists, APA executive members, physicians, patients, families, and the general public.<br /><br />The document provides an overview of the issues that can be lobbied for at the federal and state level, such as mental health parity, appropriations, and policies that increase access to mental health and substance use services.<br /><br />It briefly explains the functioning of the U.S. Congress and describes how a bill becomes a law. It emphasizes the importance of having face-to-face meetings with lawmakers and provides tips for effective communication, including stating relevant topics, sharing personal stories, and asking for action. The document mentions various resources available to APA members and state association executive directors, such as APA's Government Relations team, Grassroots Resources, and the Advocacy Action Center.<br /><br />The document concludes by stating that effective advocacy does not have to be complicated or time-consuming and encourages attendees to use the resources provided by APA.
advocacy training
mental health promotion
legislation impact on patient care
lobbying process
effective lobbying strategies
mental health advocacy issues
U.S. Congress
APA resources for advocacy
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